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10 Totally Weird but Totally Normal Things You Need to Know About Your Newborn

 10 Totally Weird but Totally Normal Things You Need to Know About Your Newborn.  The strangest things for a newborn, but they are natural, a cone-shaped head, sticky eyes, swollen genitals, snoring sounds, jerky movements, hiccups, irregular breathing .

The strangest things for a newborn, but they are natural, a cone-shaped head, sticky eyes, swollen genitals, snoring sounds, jerky movements, hiccups, irregular breathing .

10 Totally Weird but Totally Normal Things You Need to Know About Your Newborn

We understand that having a newborn can be overwhelming and scary, especially for new parents. Many things about a newborn can seem totally weird, but we want to reassure you that they are actually totally normal. In this article, we will discuss 10 totally weird but totally normal things about your newborn.

1-Cone-shaped head

It's not uncommon for newborns to have a cone-shaped head immediately after birth. This is because their skull bones have not yet fused together, allowing them to mold to the shape of the birth canal during delivery. Within a few days, the shape of their head will typically return to normal.

2-Sticky eyes

Newborns may develop sticky eyes due to a clogged tear duct. This is usually not a cause for concern and can be treated by gently wiping the affected eye with a clean, damp cloth. If the condition persists, it's important to consult a pediatrician.

3-Lanugo hair

Some newborns are born with fine hair covering their body, known as lanugo. This hair typically falls out within the first few weeks of life, but it is not uncommon for premature babies to retain it longer.

4-Flaky skin

Newborns may have dry, flaky skin that can be concerning for new parents. This is usually just a result of their skin adjusting to its new environment outside of the womb. It's important to keep their skin moisturized with a gentle, fragrance-free lotion.

5-swollen genitals

It's not uncommon for a newborn's genitals to appear swollen, especially if they were born vaginally. This is due to the pressure exerted during delivery and should resolve within a few days.

6-Grunting noises

Newborns may make grunting noises while breathing, especially during sleep. This is a normal reflex and does not necessarily indicate any respiratory issues. If you're concerned, it's always best to consult a pediatrician.


You may notice your newborn startle or "jump" when they hear a loud noise or are suddenly moved. This is a normal reflex and can be soothing to them when they are feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated.

8-Jerky movements

Newborns may have jerky, uncoordinated movements, especially in their arms and legs. This is due to their developing nervous system and will typically improve as they grow and develop.

The strangest things for a newborn, but they are natural, a cone-shaped head, sticky eyes, swollen genitals, snoring sounds, jerky movements, hiccups, irregular breathing .


Hiccups are a common occurrence in newborns, often caused by their underdeveloped digestive system. They typically go away on their own and are not cause for concern.

10-Irregular breathing

Newborns may have irregular breathing patterns, including brief pauses in their breathing. This is a normal reflex and can be alarming to new parents, but it typically resolves on its own within a few months.


there are many things about a newborn that can seem totally weird, but they are actually totally normal. By understanding these common occurrences, new parents can be reassured that their baby is healthy and developing normally. If you have any concerns, it's always best to consult a pediatrician.


1.       American Academy of Pediatrics. (2018). Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5.

2.       Mayo Clinic. (2021). Newborn care: 10 tips for stressed-out parents.

3.       healthline. (2021). Newborn Reflexes and Behaviors.




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